How to Remove Wallpaper – Steamer, Liquid Solvent, and Fabric Softener Methods

If you’ve ever wondered how to remove wallpaper, you’re not alone. If you’ve ever felt stuck trying to remove a dated wallpaper, you’ll be happy to know that there are several effective ways to do so. In this article, we’ll take a look at the Steamer, Liquid solvent, and Fabric softener methods. Which one is best for your situation? Read on to find out.
Removable wallpaper
Removing wallpaper is an easy, albeit messy and time-consuming task. However, if you want to avoid mess and hassle, here are some simple tips to help you get the job done right. Remember, different wallpapers require different techniques. Strippable wallpaper is easy to remove without tearing, while “untreated” wallpaper can simply be scraped off with a wet cloth. The most difficult to remove wallpaper is vinyl or laminated type, which is much harder to penetrate.
To start, set up your work area. Cover the area with a drop cloth and move away any furniture from the wall. Unstick the first sheet of wallpaper using a putty knife in the upper left corner. Holding the sheet in between your fingers, begin pulling away the wallpaper. Be careful not to tear or bend it. Then, remove any loose parts of the wallpaper with a utility knife. Remember to start from the seam or corner of the wall so that you don’t tear the underlying drywall paper.
Liquid solvent method
The liquid solvent method to remove wallpaper involves mixing equal parts of vinegar and hot water, using a sponge to apply the mixture to the wall. Waiting for two to five minutes after application will help the solvent penetrate the wallpaper layers and loosen the adhesive that holds them to the wall. This method is best suited for walls that are not particularly delicate. This method does not require professional equipment or expertise. You may also opt for a steamer instead.
Modern wallpaper is easier to remove than older types, so you do not need any special chemicals or steaming. Simply start at the corner or seam and gently peel away the paper. If the paper comes off without tearing the drywall, you can skip the solvent and steaming steps. You may have to scrape off some remaining pieces with hot water, so be sure to use caution. It can take several days to completely remove the old wallpaper.
Steamer method
Using a steamer is a safe, eco-friendly alternative to scrubbing off wallpaper. The steam from the steamer will loosen the wallpaper and loosen it to the point where you can scrape it off. Once you’ve scraped away most of the wallpaper, you can use a putty knife or scraping tool to remove any remaining bits. If you need a stronger cleaner, mix hot water with a solution of trisodium phosphate. You can purchase this mixture at any hardware store or rental store.
To use the steamer method to remove wallpaper, you will need a hose and a steamer. Hold the steamer against the wallpaper and spray the steam all over the surface. The steam will loosen up the glue, so you’ll need to wait a few minutes before you start scraping. Once the wallpaper is loose, wash the walls with warm water to remove any residue that may be stuck to the walls.
Fabric softener method
To remove stubborn wallpaper, you can try the fabric softener method. This method requires a bit of preparation. First, you must remove all heavy furniture. You can also cover baseboards with a plastic tarp. Next, you will mix a solution of household vinegar and fabric softener. Mix the solution well, and use a sponge to gently scrub away the remaining adhesive. If necessary, use a scraper to remove any remaining paper.
Another easy method to remove wallpaper is to mix fabric softener with one quart of water and apply it to the wallpaper. Then, wipe it off with a clean cloth. Remember to wear protective gloves and safety goggles. Before you use the vinegar and water method, use protective gloves. The acetic acid from vinegar can destroy the adhesive in the wallpaper. You should also wear goggles and gloves while removing the wallpaper.